Building Trust in Democracy With Clear Communications

Published August 27, 2024

Trust in our democracy is strengthened when voters receive clear, accurate information about the election process. For state and local officials who oversee elections, providing that information to the public is an essential part of their jobs — especially in an age of persistent disinformation and election denial.

To help state and local election officials in this vital work, the States United Democracy Center has produced a guide to delivering strong pro-democracy public communications, featuring successful examples from state officials of both parties.

These officials have used direct language, careful explanation, and often great creativity to build trust in the elections in their jurisdictions—and show that those elections are free, fair, safe, and secure.

The guide focuses on building trust in the election process, promoting election safety and security, and promoting truthful information about elections.

Election procedures differ from state to state, and the guide offers core values and practical suggestions to help election officials in any jurisdiction put strong pro-democracy communications into action.