Our Expertise
The battle for our democracy begins before a single ballot is cast and continues long after the polls close on Election Day. And the States United team is here to help every step of the way. Today, our American system of elections is under attack in states across the country. Anti-democracy actors are trying to limit the freedom to vote, interfere with nonpartisan election administration, oust trusted election officials, spread lies, and sow chaos. We are fighting back against these attacks and working to empower pro-democracy state and local officials.

Through our legal work, we support states, counties, and cities as they fight to protect the freedom to vote and our nonpartisan election system. We provide pro bono counsel to state and local officials, share research and guidance, and file amicus briefs on behalf of bipartisan voices. We represent states as they defend strong voting laws, the security and integrity of our elections systems, and the will of the people.

Public Safety
States United is partnering with prosecutors, police chiefs, sheriffs, and others in local, state, and federal law enforcement to respond to emerging threats that put our communities and our elections at risk. Through toolkits, training, and monitoring, we help our partners keep voters and election officials safe.

Research and Policy Development
Through our research and policy team, States United analyzes trends related to elections, disinformation, and anti-democracy efforts across the country. From policy analysis to polling on key issues in the states, we aim to help officials, the press, and the public better understand the state of our democracy. Our work has informed the congressional record, legal proceedings, advocacy efforts, and the public.

As states face unprecedented levels of disinformation and threats to trusted institutions, States United serves as a hub for nonpartisan election facts and information. We help state and local leaders address the communications challenges of the moment and get factual information to key audiences. States United provides tools, resources and briefings for our partners, the press, and the public.