Statement from Bipartisan Leaders of the Voter Protection Program in Support of S.1
Published: 3.17.21
Statement from Bipartisan Leaders of the Voter Protection Program in Support of S.1
The Voter Protection Program (VPP) released the statements below in support of S.1, the For The People Act, from VPP National Director Joanna Lydgate, VPP Chair Ambassador Norman Eisen, and VPP Advisory Board member and former New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman.
Statement from Joanna Lydgate, Voter Protection Program National Director:
“We applaud the U.S. Senate for swiftly taking up the For the People Act, S.1, on the heels of the passage of this landmark democracy reform package in the House of Representatives.
In Congress and in state legislatures across the country, the battle to protect the right to vote is unfolding. Our lawmakers at all levels of government have an obligation to ensure that our elections are free, fair, and secure. The For the People Act is the critical first step our leaders in Congress must take.
S.1 builds on the best and most effective practices from states across the country — red and blue — to strengthen our democracy and sustains the power of the American people, the foundation of our republic.
We urge the Senate to move quickly to send S.1 to President Biden’s desk — and we look forward to working with state leaders across the country to demonstrate how S.1 builds on the historic success of the 2020 election.”
Statement from Ambassador Norman Eisen, Voter Protection Program Chair:
“The For the People Act is one way to live up to the American promise of a government by and for the people. This bill will block some of the ugliest attempts to suppress the vote that we are seeing at the state level, and it will make our elections safer. The reforms in S.1 are supported by a majority of Americans, including most Republicans, Independents, and Democrats. And the momentum behind the legislation continues to build as current and former state leaders across the country back this once-in-a-generation reform effort.”
The American people demonstrated in the 2020 election and since that, they want and need many of the changes included in the For the People Act. The Senate should act quickly to ensure we can keep our democracy strong.”
Statement from Christine Todd Whitman, Former New Jersey Governor, Voter Protection Program Advisory Board member:
“Americans across the political spectrum are concerned about the security of elections and protecting the freedom to vote. It is of the utmost importance for leaders of both parties to come together to address concerns, confront misinformation, and improve the systems that protect and secure the freedom to vote. Passing the For the People Act is a big first step in the right direction and should be a bipartisan effort.
The For the People Act offers a structured, uniform update to the efficiency and safety of the voting process across the United States. The For The People Act does not supersede state laws; rather it bolsters good state laws and works to fill critical gaps in others, all under the power of Congress to regulate federal elections and ensure the preservation of our democracy. Although the bill is not the only solution needed in this historic moment, the progress S.1 makes for the foundations of our democracy is vital.”