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Best Practices, Blogs

Sharing the Facts

Explore our series to make sense of news about elections, the rule of law, and democracy.

RNC v. Burgess — Mail-in ballot deadlines (NV)

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
Fact Sheets

Backgrounder: Sidney Powell’s disciplinary hearing

Powell, a Texas-based attorney, pled guilty in Georgia to six counts of conspiracy to commit intentional interference with the performance of election duties. On Oct. 25, 2024, the Texas Board of Disciplinary Appeals will hear arguments and determine whether to professionally discipline Powell due to her crimes.
Amicus Briefs

Sec. Adrian Fontes v. Hon. Scott A. Blaney — Risks of Releasing Voter Information (AZ)

Maricopa County Superior Court
Amicus Briefs

Opposition to the Georgia State Election Board’s Hand Count Rule

Fulton County Superior Court & Georgia Supreme Court
Fact Sheets

Backgrounder: Stefanie Lambert’s criminal trial

Lambert, a Michigan-based attorney, is part of a network of attorneys that has challenged the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election by pushing baseless conspiracy theories about voting machines.

Understanding the Superseding Indictment Against Former President Trump in the DOJ’s Election Interference Case

Fact Sheets

Backgrounder: Fulton County, Georgia, charges against Trump and 18 others for 2020 presidential election interference, explained

The 98-page indictment laying out 161 actions in furtherance of the conspiracy tells a clear story: Donald Trump and his allies attempted to undermine the will of the American people in an effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election.
Amicus Briefs

Opposition to Defendants’ Attempt to Dismiss and Disqualify Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis from the Georgia Election Interference Case

Fulton County Superior Court & Georgia Court of Appeals
Fact Sheets

Backgrounder: Fulton County Special Grand Jury Investigation Into 2020 Presidential Interference

In January 2022, superior court judges in Fulton County, Georgia approved the request from Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to seat a special grand jury (“SGJ”) to aid in her investigation into interference in Georgia’s 2020 presidential election contest.