States United Action Releases Post-Election Analysis and 2025 Election Denier Landscape: Election Deniers Have Fewer Seats, More Power in 2025

Latest Research Reveals Election Deniers Will Hold 179 Seats Across Congressional and Statewide Offices in 2025

Washington, D.C. — States United Action today released new data and analysis to provide the full picture of the 2025 Election Denier landscape. In the coming year, Election Deniers will control the White House, 23 Election Deniers will serve in the statewide offices that oversee our elections, and 156 Election Deniers will hold seats in Congress.

“The 2024 election solidified the power and influence of the election denial movement,” said Joanna Lydgate, CEO of States United Action. “There are slightly fewer Election Deniers in office heading into 2025, and for the most part we didn’t see election denial used as a campaign strategy. But Election Deniers maintained a strong voice in Congress and in states across the country, and now hold the presidency and vice presidency. The election denier agenda is now deeply entrenched in our government, and we must continue to call out efforts to undermine our free, fair, and secure elections.”

The Election Denier landscape, as of December 11, 2024:

2025 Landscape

  • Election Deniers will hold 16% of governor, state attorney general, and secretary of state roles – 23 positions across 18 states.
    • One in five governors, one in ten secretaries of state, and almost one in five state attorneys general will be Election Deniers.
  • Nearly 1/3 of the members of our next Congress are Election Deniers.
    • Election Deniers will hold more than one third of seats in the U.S. House (136/434), and one fifth of seats in the U.S. Senate (20/99).
  • The federal Executive Branch will be run by Election Deniers as President, Vice President, and potentially several cabinet members.
    • As of December 10th, two Congressional Election Deniers have been nominated for the Cabinet. If confirmed, there will be at least 154 Election Deniers in the 2025 Congress, and 23 in statewide offices.

2024 Race Recap

  • Election Deniers won 30% (151/500) of all the races we tracked.
    • Election Deniers won 30% (143/469) of congressional races.
    • Election Deniers won 21% (6/29) of races for the statewide offices that oversee our elections (governor, attorney general, secretary of state).
    • 1 Election Denier won the presidency. 1 Election Denier won the vice presidency.
  • In Congressional races, 143 Election Deniers won a seat. 134 are incumbents and 9 are challengers.
    • 137 Election Deniers won their race for U.S. House. 36 Election Deniers lost their race for U.S. House.
    • 6 Election Deniers won their race for the U.S. Senate. 1 Election Denier lost their race for U.S. Senate.
    • 30 Election Denier candidates lost in races where they were not the incumbent candidate. 2 Election Deniers won.
  • In statewide races, 6 Election Deniers won races for governor, attorney general, or secretary of state. 3 are incumbents and 3 are challengers.
    • 3 Election Deniers won elections for governor. 5 Election Deniers lost elections for governor.
    • 2 Election Deniers won elections for attorney general. 1 Election Denier lost elections for attorney general.
    • 1 Election Denier won elections for secretary of state. 2 Election Deniers lost elections for secretary of state.

“Many of the Election Deniers who won races this year had the advantage of being incumbents. And during their campaigns, many played down their past election denial. But election denial is still a powerful force in our government,” said Thania Sanchez, SVP of Research and Analytics at States United Action. “Americans believe in keeping our elections free and fair—our elected officials should too.”

Review our full Election Denier data hub here.


About States United Action

States United Action is a nonpartisan section 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization with a mission to protect our elections and our democracy. We advocate for policies that protect election integrity, hold democracy violators accountable, prevent the political violence that threatens to undermine the will of the American people, and advance the truth about our elections. Our mission is to protect nonpartisan elections administered in accordance with the law and amplify the voices of state and local officials and law enforcement leaders who share those values.