District of Columbia v. Proud Boys Intl., LLC & Oath Keepers, et. al. – Additional Defendant Information


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Defendant Ryan Ashlock (Amended Complaint Para. 13)

Ashlock is a resident and citizen of the state of Kansas.  Ashlock is a member of the Proud Boys. Ashlock was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Kuehne, No. 1:21-cr-00160-TJK, (D.D.C. 2021).

Defendant Joseph Randall Biggs (Amended Complaint Para. 14)

Biggs, also known as “Sergeant Biggs,” is a resident and citizen of the state of Florida.  Biggs is a member of the Proud Boys.  Biggs was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Nordean, No. 1:21-cr-00175-TJK (D.D.C. 2021).

Defendant Marc Anthony Bru (Amended Complaint Para. 14)

Bru is a resident and citizen of the state of Washington.  Bru is a member of the Proud Boys.  Bru was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Bru, No. 1:21-cr-00352-JEB (D.D.C. 2021).

Defendant Thomas Edward Caldwell (Amended Complaint Para. 16)

Caldwell, also known as “CAG,” “Spy,” and “CAG Spy,” is a resident and citizen of the state of Virginia.  Caldwell is an affiliate or member of the Oath Keepers.  Caldwell was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Rhodes, No. 1:22-cr-00015-APM (D.D.C. 2022).

Defendant William Chrestman (Amended Complaint Para. 17)

Chrestman is a resident and citizen of the state of Kansas.  Chrestman is a member of the Proud Boys.  Chrestman was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Kuehne,No. 1:21-cr-00160-TJK (D.D.C. 2021).

Defendant Louis Enrique Colon (Amended Complaint Para. 18)

Colon is a resident and citizen of the state of Missouri.  Colon is a member or affiliate of the Proud Boys.  Colon was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Kuehne, No. 1:21-cr-00160-TJK (D.D.C. 2021).

Defendant Donovan Ray Crowl (Amended Complaint Para. 19)

Crowl is a resident and citizen of the state of Ohio.  Crowl is a member of the Oath Keepers.  Crowl was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Caldwell, No. 1:21-cr-00028-APM (D.D.C. 2021).

Defendant Nicholas DeCarlo (Amended Complaint Para. 20)

DeCarlo, also known as “Nick DeCarlo” or “Nick Lambaste,” is a resident and citizen of the state of Texas.  DeCarlo is a member or affiliate of the Proud Boys.  DeCarlo was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. DeCarlo, No. 1:21-cr-00073-BAH (D.D.C. 2021).

Defendant Charles Donohoe (Amended Complaint Para. 21)

Donohoe is a resident and citizen of the state of North Carolina.  Donohoe is a member of the Proud Boys.  Donohoe was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Nordean, No. 1:21-cr-00175-TJK (D.D.C. 2021).

Defendant Matthew Greene (Amended Complaint Para. 22)

Greene is a resident and citizen of the state of New York.  Greene is a member of the Proud Boys.  Greene was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Pezzola, No. 1:21-cr-00052-TJK (D.D.C. 2021).

Defendant Joseph Hackett (Amended Complaint Para. 23)

Hackett, also known as “Ahab” and “Faith,” is a resident and citizen of the state of Florida.  Hackett is a member of the Oath Keepers.  Hackett was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Rhodes, No. 1:22-cr-00015-APM (D.D.C. 2022).

Defendant Kenneth Harrelson (Amended Complaint Para. 24)

Harrelson is a resident and citizen of the state of Florida.  Harrelson is a member of the Oath Keepers.  Harrelson was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Rhodes, No. 1:22-cr-00015-APM (D.D.C. 2022).

Defendant Arthur Jackman (Amended Complaint Para. 25)

Jackman is a resident and citizen of the state of Florida.  Jackman is a member of the Proud Boys.  Jackman was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Jackman, No. 1:21-cr-00378-TJK (D.D.C. 2021).

Defendant Joshua James (Amended Complaint Para. 26)

James is a resident and citizen of the state of Alabama.  James is a member of the Oath Keepers.  James was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Rhodes, No. 1:22-cr-00015-APM (D.D.C. 2022).

Defendant Jonathanpeter Klein (Amended Complaint Para. 27)

Klein is a resident and citizen of the state of Oregon.  Klein is a member of the Proud Boys.  Klein was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Klein, No. 1:21-cr-00237-RDM (D.D.C. 2021).

Defendant Christopher Kuehne (Amended Complaint Para. 28)

Kuehne is a resident and citizen of the state of Kansas.  Kuehne is a member or affiliate of the Proud Boys.  Kuehne was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Kuehne, No. 1:21-cr-00160-TJK (D.D.C. 2021).

Defendant Connie Meggs (“C. Meggs”) (Amended Complaint Para. 29)

C. Meggs is a resident and citizen of the state of Florida.  C. Meggs is a member of the Oath Keepers.  C. Meggs was criminally charged and indicted for her role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Caldwell, No. 1:21-cr-00028-APM (D.D.C. 2021).

Defendant Kelly Meggs (“K. Meggs”) (Amended Complaint Para. 30)

K. Meggs is a resident and citizen of the state of Florida and is the self-described leader of the Florida chapter of the Oath Keepers.  K. Meggs was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Rhodes, No. 1:22-cr-00015-APM (D.D.C. 2022). 

Defendant Roberto A. Minuta (Amended Complaint Para. 31)

Minuta is a resident and citizen of the state of Texas.  Minuta is a member of the Oath Keepers.  Minuta was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Rhodes, No. 1:22-cr-00015-APM (D.D.C. 2022). 

Defendant David Moerschel (Amended Complaint Para. 32)

Moerschel, also known as “Hasty,” is a resident and citizen of the state of Florida.  Moerschel is a member of the Oath Keepers.  Moerschel was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Rhodes, No. 1:22-cr-00015-APM (D.D.C. 2022).

Defendant Ethan Nordean (Amended Complaint Para. 33)

Nordean, also known as “Rufio Panman,” is a resident and citizen of the state of Washington.  Nordean is the self-described “Sergeant-at-Arms” of the Seattle chapter of the Proud Boys.  Nordean was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Nordean et al., No. 1:21-cr-00175-TJK (D.D.C. 2021).

Defendant Nicholas Robert Ochs (Amended Complaint Para. 34)

Ochs is a resident and citizen of the state of Hawaii.  Ochs is a founding member of the Proud Boys Hawaii chapter.  Ochs was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. DeCarlo, No. 1:21-cr-00073-BAH (D.D.C. 2021).

Defendant Bennie Alvin Parker (“B. Parker”) (Amended Complaint Para. 35)

B. Parker is a resident and citizen of the state of Ohio.  B. Parker is a member or affiliate of the Oath Keepers.  B. Parker was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Caldwell, No. 1:21-cr-00028-APM (D.D.C. 2021).

Defendant Sandra Ruth Parker (“S. Parker”) (Amended Complaint Para. 36)

S. Parker is a resident and citizen of the state of Ohio.  S. Parker is a member or affiliate of the Oath Keepers.  S. Parker was criminally charged and indicted for her role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Caldwell, No. 1:21-cr-00028-APM (D.D.C. 2021).

Defendant William Joseph Pepe (Amended Complaint Para. 37)

Pepe is a resident and citizen of the state of New York.  Pepe is a member of the Proud Boys.  Pepe was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Pezzola, No. 1:21-cr-00052-TJK (D.D.C. 2021).

Defendant Dominic Pezzola (Amended Complaint Para. 38)

Pezzola, also known as “Spaz” or “Spazzo,” is a resident and citizen of the state of New York.  Pezzola is a member of the Proud Boys.  Pezzola was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Pezzola, No. 1:21-cr-00052-TJK (D.D.C. 2021).

Pezzola was also criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Nordean, No. 21-cr-00175-TJK (D.D.C. 2021).

Defendant Zachary Rehl (Amended Complaint Para. 39)

Rehl is a resident and citizen of the state of Pennsylvania.  Rehl is the president of the Philadelphia Proud Boys chapter, and a member of the Proud Boys.  Rehl was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Nordean, No. 1:21-cr-00175-TJK (D.D.C. 2021).

Defendant Elmer Stewart Rhodes III (Amended Complaint Para. 40)

Rhodes is a resident and citizen of the state of Texas.  Rhodes is the founder and longstanding leader of the Oath Keepers.  Rhodes was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Rhodes, No. 1:22-cr-00015-APM (D.D.C. 2022).

Defendant Jon Ryan Schaffer (Amended Complaint Para. 41)

Schaffer is a resident and citizen of the state of Indiana.  Schaffer is a founding, lifetime member of the Schaffer is a resident and citizen of the state of Indiana.  Schaffer is a founding, lifetime member of the Oath Keepers.  Schaffer was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Schaffer, No. 1:21-cr-00306-APM (D.D.C. 2021).  In connection with a promise to cooperate with investigators and potentially testify in criminal cases related to the conspiracy to commit the January 6th Attack, Schaffer pleaded guilty to the entire Statement of Offense in the criminal action brought against him, which included two felony offenses: (1) trespass of the Capitol while armed with a deadly or dangerous weapon and (2) obstruction of an official proceeding of Congress.

Defendant Daniel Lyons Scott (Amended Complaint Para. 42)

Scott, also known as “Milkshake,” is a resident and citizen of the state of Florida.  Scott is a member of the Proud Boys and has a tattoo of the organization’s name on his upper arm.  Scott was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Scott, No. 1:21-cr-00499-EGS (D.D.C. 2021).

Defendant Laura Steele (Amended Complaint Para. 43)

Steele is a resident and citizen of the state of North Carolina.  Steele is a member of the Florida chapter of the Oath Keepers.  Steele was criminally charged and indicted for her role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Caldwell, No. 1:21-cr-00028-APM (D.D.C. 2021).

Defendant Henry “Enrique” Tarrio (Amended Complaint Para. 44)

Tarrio is a resident and citizen of the state of Florida.  Tarrio has been a member of the Proud Boys since 2017 and has been the Chairman—the most senior role in, and the face of, the organization—since November 20, 2018.  As the Proud Boys’ Chairman, Tarrio, in coordination with the Proud Boys Elders, acts as the voice of the organization on matters of public concern, according to the Proud Boys’ Bylaws.  Tarrio was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Nordean, No. 21-cr-00175-TJK (D.D.C. 2021).

Defendant Brian Ulrich (Amended Complaint Para. 45)

Ulrich, also known as “Molon Labe” and “Bilbo,” is a resident and citizen of the state of Georgia.  Ulrich is a member of the Oath Keepers.  Ulrich was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Rhodes, No. 1:22-cr-00015-APM (D.D.C. 2022).

Defendant Edward Vallejo (Amended Complaint Para. 46)

Vallejo is a resident and citizen of the state of Arizona.  Vallejo is a member of the Oath Keepers.  Vallejo was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Rhodes, No. 1:22-cr-00015-APM (D.D.C. 2022).

In US v. Vallejo, No. 2:22-mj-05032-DMF (D. Ariz. 2022), the government moved for Vallejo to be detained until trial.

Defendant Jessica Marie Watkins (Amended Complaint Para. 47)

Watkins is a resident and citizen of the state of Ohio.  Watkins is a member of the Oath Keepers.  Watkins was criminally charged and indicted for her role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Rhodes, No. 1:22-cr-00015-APM (D.D.C. 2022). 

Defendant Christopher John Worrell (Amended Complaint Para. 48)

Worrell is a resident and citizen of the state of Florida.  Worrell is a member of the Proud Boys.  Worrell was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Worrell, No. 1:21-cr-00292-RCL (D.D.C. 2021).

Defendant Graydon Young (Amended Complaint Para. 49)

Young is a resident and citizen of the state of Florida.  Young is a member of the Florida chapter of the Oath Keepers.  Young was criminally charged and indicted for his role in perpetrating the January 6th Attack in US v. Caldwell, No. 1:21-cr-00028-APM (D.D.C. 2021).  Young subsequently pleaded guilty to the entire Statement of Offense in the criminal action brought against him.